

Robin Lee
Practice Autonomous Practices
Project Public and Private
Major Animation
Year Fourth Year

We live in a world where virtuality is changing our perception of the world and ourselves. The boundaries between our real and online identities are increasingly blurring, leaving us in a perpetual state of hyperreality. We are in a way astronauts, lost in the simulacrum we call virtual space, in a seemingly never-ending search for who we are.

Nexilis (Latin), adjective ~ tied or bound together, interwoven

"Nexilis" is a poetic short film about finding and becoming one with a true identity. The story follows an isolated astronaut lost in the simulacrum. Like tidal waves, the memories of her true self come and go, desperately calling her back to reality. Estranged from her true self, she encounters a mysterious light-like entity which will change her perspective completely. As the two come together to be intertwined and achieve symbiosis, we watch a majestic collision of worlds.

Robin's film is not online yet because she is participating in festivals, some of which require premiere status. We'll share it, with her permission, as soon as it is made public. In the meantime, watch Robin's other projects on Vimeo.