Nominee Drempelprijs Commercial Practices 2019
De Derde Helft Met Opa (The Third Half with Grandpa) is demanding more attention for elderly loneliness in the city of Rotterdam. To do so, this campaign connects two components of the cities identity: loneliness and soccer.
The heart of the campaign is a short video ad which illustrates the daily life of a lonely elderly in Rotterdam. The behaviour and actions of the portrayed man are commented in the style of a soccer report. At first glance, audio and visuals do not have anything in common which creates an odd feeling for the viewer. Throughout the video, the viewer gets to know more about the life of the elderly and is able to link the soccer comment and visuals. The friction of these two visual elements is creating the feeling of a ‘human on display’: presenting the real, daily lives of many elderly within the city. Additionally, the unusual combination of audio and visuals almost seem to entertain the viewer on the cost of the elderly man.
Parts of the campaign were created in cooperation with RTV Rijnmond Sport. During the graduation show of the Willem de Kooning Academy, this project was also presented to Said Kasmi – councillor of education, culture and tourism.
More information about the campaign can be found on
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