Nu Ook Offline (Now Offline Too)
Esther van Brakel (left) and Annebel de Kok
We came to the WdKA after a four-year mid-level professional education in fashion in Den Bosch. Here at the WdKA we learned to approach the concept of fashion from a different perspective, mainly because of the Practices and the minor. We don’t consider fashion as a trend-related medium, but rather as a tool for communicating a project to the public in a way that makes an impact. This will also be our approach as a designer-team in our own studio after we graduate from the academy.
‘What can you do with it?’ was the question that often kept us awake at night.
In the amazing Stations we have discovered the possibilities of working with materials other than fabrics, such as wood, ceramics and printmaking... Which was a bit unexpected for us, since we were studying fashion, but which can play an important role in realising more compelling projects and presentations.
What kept us awake at night? Finalising the concept in a way that fits within our vision. We always want to achieve more with our clothing that just a visual implementation. ‘What can you do with it?’ was the question that often kept us awake at night.
The biggest obstacle for us was working together with people we didn’t know. Though it can often lead to great results, it’s also very hard to reach clear agreements, to divide the tasks fairly and to see eye to eye on some aspects.

Frank van de Lende
3FM DJ Frank van de Lende in the Nu Ook Offline personalised sweater.