Open Days & Recruitment activities 2023 - 2024

Oct 28 2023 May 1 2024

Thinking about studying art or design? Want to know more about our Bachelor courses and life at Willem de Kooning Academy? Come and visit our Open Days and other recruitment activities.

Scroll down for more information and events like Academy Tours, Student Talks and more.

Visit WdKATV | watch videos about the Academy
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Year 2023- 2024
Type event

Academy Tours

Want to get a quick idea of what our Academy is like? In addition to the Open Days, we open our doors once a month for a one-hour tour. You will then be shown around the building and work spaces (Stations) by one of our student ambassadors.


When: We host a tour once a month on Thursdays from 16:00 to 17:00 hrs.
Where: Willem de Kooning Academy, Blaak 10 (entrance), Rotterdam.

You can sign up for the tour of your choice through the links below.

Note: Bringing someone is allowed, so please also register the person you're coming with.

May 23, 2024 sign up here

Oops, can't come anymore, withdraw your registration via the same link.

Leisure & Events Management

Open Avond

Op donderdag 6 juni 2024 hosten wij van 16.00 - 20.00 uur een  Open Avond voor Leisure & Events Management op de Willem de Kooning Academie. Wil jij weten meer weten hoe wij de toekomst van Leisure gaan veranderen? En wil jij onze studenten en docenten ontmoeten?  

Kom dan naar onze Open Avond. 

Meld je hier aan!

Heb je vragen? Mail dan naar of stuur een dm via onze Instagram wdka_leisure.


Visit our YouTube Channel WdKATV where you can watch several videos about the Willem de Kooning Academy: general presentations about studying at the Academy, Stations (Workspaces) Tour, Creative Process, and more.