
Launch: Situationer Workbook/Situationer Cookbook by WdKA Research Centre

Sep 24 2021

The WdKA Research Centre is pleased to announce the launch of a new publication Situationer Workbook/Situationer Cookbook, a book of two volumes on transformative pedagogy and teaching in times of crisis.

The Situationer Workbook/Situationer Cookbook will be officially launched at Kunstinstituut Melly, 7-9 pm, September 24th, 2021.
A keynote lecture "To Learn in Common (Which is Politics)" by Lector Social Practices Michelle Teran will open up the evening. Followed by an Q&A moderated by Teana Boston-Mammah.

A Situationer is a document written in times of crisis or disaster or sensitive manoeuvring and describes the conditions, concerns, difficulties and active tactics faced on the ground, intending to give the lay of the land for a complex situation. The term was popularised in the Philippines during the dictatorship of Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos. Pirate published situations were circulated by different activist groups.

In this Situationer we ask: how can times of crisis – or of crises, in their many forms – inform and influence the pedagogies needed to situate ourselves in a troubled world? How can one tune in to the conditions, concerns and difficulties of these complex times, by cultivating new and necessary forms of humility, attentiveness and recognition toward other knowledges, other value systems, other frameworks of understanding?

Contributors to the Situationer Cookbook – teachers, researchers and alumni from within the WdKA (Social Practices, Autonomous Practices, Minor+ Visual Culture) and PZI (Master of Education in Arts) – together offer essays, interviews, conversations, pilfered recipes, manifestos, gossip, other creative and critical interventions in a wide variety of reflections upon these fundamental questions.

As part of a collaborative research by members of WdKA/PZI during the first six months of the pandemic lockdown, the accompanying volume Situationer Cookbook is a guide to collective and mutual assistance for teaching art and design in pandemic times.

Many of the texts in this publication come from personal experiences and introduce a plurality of perspectives. They are exercises in storytelling and embodied retelling of different learning processes and classroom encounters that can offer different insights into the teaching practices of the many authors of this book.

The desire to channel, to translate these experiences into pedagogic practices – or to learn with others how to engender other forms of learning – speaks of the necessity to situate oneself within the troubles and in complex situations, which is something that requires sensitive manoeuvring. These are the embodied practices – some laid bare, others present but remaining in the shadows – that the authors of this book bring into their classrooms. Yet an embodied experience is not just how a body senses and therefore makes sense of its environs: rather, it speaks of an ethics and relationality of place in the material world.


Contributors: Mariana d’Aboim Inglez Amaral Fernandes, Clara Balaguer, Jack Bardell, Dieuwke Boersma, Teana Boston-Mammah, Ingrid Commandeur, Gabriel Fontana, Eline Groen, Tamara de Groot, Sami Hammana, Jan van Heemst, Marc Herbst, Nathanja van den Heuvel, Johanna Monk, amy pickles, Alona van Rosmalen, Irina Shapiro, Michelle Teran, Renée Turner and Amy Suo Wu
Publisher: WdKA Research Centre and Publication Studio Rotterdam
Design: Hardworking Goodlooking
Year: 2021


Please click on image below for a  sneak peek.