Willem de Kooning Academy awarded the yearly Drempelprijs (Threshold Awards) on Saturday 30 October, on the last day of the Graduation Show 2021.
Drempelprijs 2021– powered by Municipality of Rotterdam
De Drempelprijs of € 5,000 is awarded each year by a professional jury to three exceptional graduate candidates. The awards are divided within Practices, the contexts they position their work in: the Autonomous, Commercial, or Social Practice that guided their professional education at the WdKA
And the winners of this year are…
Drempelprijs Autonomous Practices
Gabija Bubnyté (RASL Dual Degree, Graphic Design)
Conversations about Counter Narratives
Jury: Simone da Silva, Alireza Abbasy, Angelica Falkeling.
Secretary: Skye Maule-O’Brien.
Drempelprijs Social Practices
Kela van der Deijl (Animation)
Jury: Emiliane Gandolfi, Annet van Otterloo, Tabo Goudswaard.
Secretary: Dirk Vis
Drempelprijs Commercial Practices
Joppe Soons (Advertising & Beyond)
Jury: Rachid Naas, Anne van der Zwaag, Mark Kuijpers.
Secretary: Marieke den Duik.
Read the full jury reports here.
Drempelprijs 2021 Commercial Practices
Drempelprijs 2021 Social Practices
Drempelprijs 2021 Autonomous Practices
Photography by Cristóbal Pereira.