Where I'm @
Product Design

The Creator of Living Light

Ermi van Oers
Wed 9 May
Function Product designer, enterpreneur
Year 2016
Major Product Design
Practice Social Practices

What is your occupation now?

Entrepreneur, I have my own studio, where I work on sustainable design projects.

What expertise did you gain at WdKA?

So many that it is difficult to name them all in one sentence. I am happy with the expertise I gained within the sustainable design as a discipline. Next to the theory, I have learned new ways of researching and above all, I have discovered my passion for Biodesign.

Another expertise I want to emphasise is the skill to actually make something. Next to generating fantastic ideas, you learn how to build them physically. The workshop skills and knowledge of materials are very valuable for me and help me in bringing my dreams to reality.

Ermi van Oers at Material Station WdKA

Next to generating fantastic ideas, you learn how to build them physically. The workshop skills and knowledge of materials are very valuable for me and help me in bringing my dreams to reality.

What is the future of your profession in your opinion?

Nature is full of smart solutions, my target as a designer is to introduce people to the potential power of natural processes. I want to show the beautiful poetic side of the living systems and incorporate them into our today’s structure.

My target as a designer is to introduce people to the potential power of natural processes (TEDxAmsterdam).

Forget artificial energy, embrace Living Energy.

You never leave your house without…? Besides your laptop or smartphone :).

My business cards. You can meet interesting people anywhere. Working on your network is very important, but also very fun and interesting.

Any words of advice to future students?

Search for collaborations, mainly in other fields, this will feed you with new knowledge and will create new possibilities.

Name your favourite recent project.

Living Light, because it gave me many chances, challenged me the most and delivered a lot of new skills.