(de)Fine Art


Pip Passchier
The physical space of the sports club is the main source of inspiration for this project.
Practice Autonomous Practices
Project Public and Private
Major (de)Fine Art
Year Fourth Year

Nomination Drempelprijs 2017


The worlds of sports and art lie far apart. As both athlete and artist, I aim to show connections between these worlds. I often wonder about the particular culture of amateur sports. The physical space of the sports club is the main source of inspiration for this project.

I question the boundaries of sports and games. When can something be called a game? I investigate this question by placing the rules of sports, particularly the design of the sports court, in a different context.

In my installation, I study new contexts for sports and games by using existing design of public spaces. My outfit plays a mediating role between the sports hall and public space: the lines and shapes of the city (in this case Rotterdam-Zuid) enter into a dialogue with those on my suit.


For me these clothes also identify me as an artist and athlete, and make me feel more comfortable being in these two different worlds in one.
Can we play with the games of sport in art, and can art play a role in sport?